Get Signed By Top Literary Agents & Get a Book Deal,
even if You Aren't Previously Published.
Newsflash: It’s not the best writers who get published!
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Writers who learn the 7 SECRETS TO PUBLISHING SUCCESS get published over and over and become wealthy authors. Why? Because these 7 SECRETS run the entire Publishing, Media and Entertainment industries. If you want to become a successful writer, you need to know them.
- A Top Literary Agent without going through “rejection letter” hell
- A Lucrative Book Deal with a major publisher on your first try
- Major National Publicity without hiring an expensive publicist
- A Book-to-Film Deal that will get you noticed in Hollywood
“If you're looking for a book coach, you can't do better than Donna Sozio. She's smart, efficient, and knows her way around the business end of the publishing game. No matter how good your idea is, she can pump up the volume.”- Laurel Schmidt, Author Seven Times Smarter: 50 Ways to Develop the Multiple Intelligences in Your Child
Donna Sozio is available to coach writers on how to get a top literary agent and sell their book. She provides an easy-to-follow fast track roadmap to get your book signed and sold.
Do you:
- Have a great concept for a book but you don’t know what the next step is?
- Feel confused about whether to publish or self-publish?
- Have a finished manuscript but don’t know where to even begin?
- Feel frustrated or even intimidated by the publishing industry
- Dream of being a published author with national media but haven’t received the response you know your book is worthy of?
Then private publishing consulting is for you!
All private publishing consultations with Donna Sozio include a full review of your submission materials and 60 minutes on the phone or Skype.
Private Book Coaching & Phone Consultation
*Appointment Length: 60 Minutes, on the phone or via Skype
*Appointment Fee: $250
Private Query Letter Review & Phone Consultation
*Appointment Length: 60 Minutes, on the phone or via Skype
*Appointment Fee: $250
Private Book Proposal Review & Phone Consultation
*Appointment Length: 60 Minutes, on the phone or via Skype
*Appointment Fee: $450
Let's Talk About Your Book
Email to receive your complimentary 20-minute publishing coaching call.
The Secret Rules of Publishing E-Course
This E-Course reveals the 7 Secrets to Publishing Success. These are insider tips for writers that you can't afford to miss... if you want to get published! CLICK HERE to learn more!
Donna Sozio regularly accomplishes the publishing “impossible” due to a unique skill set and bestselling pitch process that she now makes available to all writers. Donna received multiple offers from top agents multiple times, a book deal with a major publisher in just three weeks for Never Trust a Man in Alligator Loafers, a TV/Film option on her second book The Man Whisperer before she finished writing it, and the coveted position as an expert guest where A-list media call her for interviews. Donna has appeared on/in The Tyra Banks Show, The Early Show, Good Day LA, GMTV and in more than 100 other major media outlets.
Her bestselling pitch process technique is evergreen and what every writer needs to know to make it publishing. More importantly, Donna makes a great living doing what she loves while teaching aspiring writers to do the same!
Her clientshave appeared on/in E!, The Today Show, Fox News, the Sydney Morning Herald, Vogue, Cosmopolitan and have been published by Adams Media, Allen & Unwin, Three Rivers Press, AusLit and more. Clients have won many awards including: The Australian Literature Review, The Borders’ James Patterson Thriller Competition, and the National Indie Excellence Awards.
Simply put, Donna Sozio is amazing! If you want to find an agent, publish a book, or develop almost any kind of project, Donna is the first person you should contact. She is sharp, honest and truly walks the walk as a successful coach and author. Everyone needs a mentor and Donna Sozio is an exceptional choice.
Matthew Bennett, Nationally acclaimed fundraiser and author with over 5,000,000 books sold
Donna covers both the practical and emotional aspects of getting published. Her unique ability to combine the substance of each author’s message with a smart marketing plan to back it up is a recipe for success.
Gina Romanello, Author of Chicken Soup for Bride’s Soul and former marketing coordinator for Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises.
If the thought of getting published overwhelms you, Donna walks you through a kinder, gentler way to be successful in your writing career.
Viki King, famed story consultant and bestselling author of How to Write a Movie in 21 Days
She knows her stuff!
Ellen Reid, Publishing Consultant
Donna Sozio is not only a truly gifted writer she is also a wonderful and inspiring coach. Donna has a rare gift of insight to help writers delve into the heart of their work to unleash it's best potential. Donna can take you from A-Z with regard to book proposals, synopsis, queries and marketing.
Raoul Peter Mongilardi, Writer/Producer
To increase my visibility I wanted to get published. Donna gave me a road map with all the shortcuts. Her advice is invaluable. It would have taken me years to learn what she told me in an hour.
Koz Khosravani, International Speaker and Author
Donna is pure gold for anyone who's ever considered getting their work published. I've read a number of books on the publishing industry but she gave vital information I’ve never heard anywhere else. She walks her talk.
Sam Stephens, Thriller Writer
Donna offers vital information and an eye opening approach toward taking those “scary” first steps to get published. These are the secrets every new author needs to know!
Robyn Busfield, Author of It’s Time to Get Selfish
Assertiveness, productivity, courage, smart marketing, and clarity! These are just a few of the attributes Donna gives writers to add to their arsenal. She cuts right to the chase.
Maurice Clifton Oldham, Writer/Photographer
Let's Talk About Your Book
Every new client gets a complimentary 20-minute consultation.